Your Trusted Online Store for the Most Current and Best Practice Based Human Resource Needs
Comprehensive Package includes 217 Documents:
Documents included in this pack are:
HR Employment Contracts (9)
HR Policies (53)
HR Procedures (16)
HR Supporting Documents (138)
A - New Appointments (11)
B - Terminations (12)
C - Disciplinary Action (22)
D - Training (8)
E - General (13)
F - Recruitment (6)
G - Incapacity/Poor Performance (15)
H - Probation Review (8)
I - IOD/WCA Forms (8)
J - UIF Forms (11)
Applying for Dependant Benefits
Applying for Maternity Benefits
Applying for Sick Benefits
Applying for Unemployment Benefits
Applying for Parental Benefits
K - Employment Equity (15)
L - S189 and S189A Templates (9)